George Cazenavette

I am a PhD student studying Machine Learning for Vision and Graphics at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) I am extremely fortunate to be co-advised by two fantastic supervisors: Vincent Sitzmann and Antonio Torralba.

Before joining MIT, I was part of the Master of Science in Robotics program at Carnegie Mellon University supported by an NSF fellowship. During my time there, I have had the pleasure of being advised by Simon Lucey (now director of the Austrailian Institute for Machine Learning at The University of Adelaide) and Jun-Yan Zhu as well as collaborating with Alexei Efros (UC Berkeley) and Antonio Torralba (MIT).

Prior to attending CMU, I did my undergraduate studies at Louisiana Tech University where I completed degree programs in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Cyber Engineering. I'm forever grateful for the fantastic professors there that helped me get to where I am today, especially Mike O'Neal, Jonathan Walters, and Jean Gourd.

Email  /  Google Scholar  

profile photo

George Cazenavette, Avneesh Sud, Thomas Leung, and Ben Usman.
CVPR 2024
[Website] [Paper]
Ziyao Guo, Kai Wang, George Cazenavette, Hui Li, Kaipeng Zhang, and Yang You.
NeurIPS 2023 (Spotlight)
[Website] [Paper] [Code]
CVPR-W 2022
[Website] [Paper] [Code]
CVPR 2022 (Oral)
[Website] [Paper] [Code]
Calvin Murdock, George Cazenavette, and Simon Lucey.
T-PAMI 2022
George Cazenavette , Calvin Murdock, and Simon Lucey.
CVPR 2021 (Oral)
[Paper] [Video]
Mary Pagnutti, Robert Ryan, George Cazenavette, Maxwell Gold, Ryan Harlan, Edward Leggett, and James Pagnutti.
JEI 2017

George Cazenavette and Simon Lucey
arXiv preprint

Course Projects
George Cazenavette and Manual Ladron de Guevara
CMU Course Project

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ph.D. in AI and Decision Making • Sept. 2022 - Present
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
M.S. in Robotics • Sept. 2019 - Aug. 2022
National Science Foundation GRFP
Louisiana Tech University Ruston, Louisiana
B.S. in Computer Science • Sept. 2015 - May 2019
B.S. in Mathematics • Sept. 2015 - May 2019
B.S. in Cyber Engineering • Sept. 2015 - May 2019
National Science Foundation GRFP

Carnegie Mellon University, Machine Learning Department
10-417/617 - Intermediate Deep Learning (Fall 2020)
• Instructors: Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Andrej Risteski
10-707 - Advanced Deep Learning (Spring 2021)
• Instructor: Andrej Risteski

Selected Coursework

Carnegie Mellon University, Machine Learning Department
10-707 - Advanced Deep Learning (Spring 2020)
• Instructor: Andrej Risteski
10-725 - Convex Optimization (Fall 2020)
• Instructor: Yuanzhi Li
10-703 - Deep Reinforcement Learning (Fall 2020)
• Instructor: Katerina Fragkiadaki
Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute

16-720 - Computer Vision (Fall 2019)
• Instructor: Simon Lucey
16-726 - Learning-Based Image Synthesis (Fall 2021)
• Instructor: Jun-Yan Zhu

Research Experience
Scene Representation Group, MIT CSAIL
Research Assistant • Fall 2022 to Present
Advisor: Vincent Sitzmann
Torralba Lab, MIT CSAIL
Research Assistant • Fall 2022 to Present
Advisor: Antonio Torralba
Argo AI, Pittsburgh, PA
Research Intern • Summer 2022
Advisor: Simon Lucey
Generative Intelligence Lab, Carnegie Mellon University
Research Assistant • Spring 2021 to Fall 2022
Advisor: Jun-Yan Zhu
Computer Vision Lab, Carnegie Mellon University
Research Assistant • Fall 2019 to Fall 2022
Advisor: Simon Lucey
Interaction Lab, University of Southern California
Research Intern • Summer 2018
Advisor: Maja Matarić
Innovative Imaging and Research, Stennis Space Center
Research Intern • Summers 2015, 2016
Advisor: Robert Ryan

Website source from Xindi Wu